Respell helps you run your business with agentic workflows. We make it easy for all professionals, especially those without any technical background, to put their work on autopilot. This Getting Started guide will walk you through the basics of automating workflows, and introduce Respell as a platform to help you take more off of your plate.

What is a workflow?

A workflow is a sequence of steps you take to perform work. For example, imagine you’re a recruiter and a new applicant applies to one of your jobs:

  1. Go to your ATS (applicant tracking system) or job site
  2. Review their resume to evaluate whether they match your hiring criteria
  3. Schedule a screening call with the candidate and the hiring manager
  4. When the interview finishes, the hiring manager reviews their notes and relays to you
  5. You analyze the notes and move them forward to the next round

This is of course just a part of the full workflow, and it will be different for every business. Even with this simple workflow, each candidate may take quite a bit of time to process; more than that, you have to context switch between this workflow and other ones. You probably have several workflows to manage day-to-day, so these costs add up.

Every job can be broken down into workflows, and steps within those workflows. Respell helps you automate these steps, even the more “thinking-heavy” parts like research, content creation, and decision-making.

Workflows could be manual processes, digital processes, or just thinking activities. Don’t worry if you can’t think of many workflows you can automate right now - read on, start with the basics, try our templates, and usually ideas will come to you as you see what’s possible.

Automation is part process, part mindset, and we’re here to help you focus on what moves the needle the most.

What you can do with Respell

Getting Started