My Spells is where the spells that you have created are located. You have full access to these spells, and can organize this page however you’d like without affecting what other workspace members see.

(image: My Spells page)

When you create a new spell, it will always be located here. You can filter by the type (eg. Manual, Trigger), the date when the spell was created, or what integrations are used in the spell. You can also search your spells in the top right.

You can create folders to organize your spells. This view is personal to you - when you make a folder or reorganize spells, your teams won’t see these folders. We recommend beginning by separating your spells into “Drafts” and “Published” folders to keep things tidy. As you create more spells for specific projects or teams, you can create folders for those as well.

Using the context menu of a spell card in the top right (the 3 dots), you’ll see a few shortcuts:

(image: spell card context menu)

  • Edit: go directly to the spell editor
  • Duplicate: duplicate the latest spell version, creating a new spell draft
  • Settings: go directly to the spell settings
  • Move to folder: move the spell to a specific folder in this view
  • Delete: delete this spell