Manual Spells are meant to be run from the Spells page, and you have a few options.


For Spells that you only need to run once (most common), the Run tab will show the inputs defined in the Start step. When you fill these out and click “Run”, the Spell will begin running.

Spell page with filled out inputs

While the Spell is running, you will see “activity updates” stream in - these updates tell you what is happening, if there were any errors, and all of the information associated with each step. You can click on a step in the activity updates to view the inputs, outputs, and any variable conversions that happened. This is particularly helpful when debugging a Spell that encountered an error.

(image: spell page run tab activity updates)

When the Spell finishes running, the response will be shown. The response includes data from any Display steps.

(image: spell page run tab response)

Run Bulk

You can also run a Spell on every row in a spreadsheet (or any other tabular data). If you have a spreadsheet with columns that correspond to your Spell inputs, you can use Run Bulk.

Spell page Bulk Run tab

First, let’s create a new bulk run and upload a spreadsheet. Since this Spell accepts a Company Name and Company Website (URL), our example spreadsheet has Company Name and Company Website columns as well.

Keep in mind that the column names don’t have to match with the Spell input names. While that will make it easier to map the columns to the inputs, we only need to make sure the data is what we want and can be parsed into the correct type by Respell (ie. you can’t enter a date into a URL input).

Respell will automatically find the column names for you, and the next step is to match those columns with your Spell inputs to indicate where the data should go. This is called “input mapping”.

Spell page Bulk Run tab input mapping

Once your inputs are mapped, you’ll see a table with blue and green columns. The blue columns are the inputs you mapped, with the values filled in from your spreadsheet. The green columns are outputs, which come from your spell’s Display steps. The outputs will be filled in when the spell runs for each row.

Now you’re ready to run the bulk run. When you click “Run all”, it will simultaneously run the Spell on each row of your spreadsheet and show you the progress in the table below:

Spell page Bulk Run in progress

After all Spell runs have been completed, you’ll see the output columns filled in with their actual values. You can also download the table as a CSV.

If any of the Spell runs encountered an error, you’re able to retry them from here. You can retry the entire bulk run (which will rerun all spells and overwrite their results), or just retry the failed ones.

Spell page Bulk Run in progress


Running your Spell from the API is as easy as copying and pasting the code snippet we generate for you on the API tab. Your inputs will each have a unique key to pass values into as JSON. We also show an example response below for your reference.

Spell page with filled out inputs

For more information on using Spells through the API, see the Run Spell endpoint in the API Reference.