Adding files to Data Sources is simple.

Adding Files From Your Computer

To upload a file from your computer, click “New”, then drag and drop your files or click “Browse” to open your computer’s file explorer. You’re able to drag files in or choose files from your computer’s file explorer. You can upload a single file, or multiple at a time. Uploading files will place them in the current folder.

Data sources file upload modal

Syncing Files

When you sync files or an entire folder from an external provider, you can connect the data once and be sure that the data stays up to date. We recommend syncing your files whenever possible, as they are much easier to edit and keep up-to-date with the ground truth.

When you sync a file or folder, you’ll see an icon from the provider and a label to tell you when the file/folder was last synced. You can also force the file/folder to refresh by clicking on the 3 dots on the right side of an entry.

Data sources synced folder view

When you sync a folder, this folder will be “locked” - you won’t be able to add other files inside of this folder. This is done to ensure the data syncing process knows which files belong to which folders from external data providers.

Google Drive

To sync files from Google Drive, click on “New”, then “Google Drive”. If you haven’t yet connected your Google account to Respell, you’ll be prompted to authenticate with Google first to provide Respell with the permissions to sync your data.

Data sources Google Drive file upload

Once authenticated, click “Google Drive” again. You should now see the Google Drive file picker. You can select any folders or files you wish, and then click “Select”. We will begin syncing your data in the background (you are welcome to navigate away while this is happening), and when it’s finished you will see the selected entries in your Data Sources table.


To sync files from Notion, click on “New”, then “Notion”. If you haven’t yet connected your Notion account to Respell, you’ll be prompted to authenticate with Notion first to provide Respell with the permissions to sync your data.

Data sources Notion file upload

Once authenticated, click “Notion” again. You should now see the Notion file picker. You can select any pages you wish, and then click “Allow access”. We will begin syncing your data in the background (you are welcome to navigate away while this is happening), and when it’s finished you will see the selected entries in your Data Sources table.

Creating A Folder

Creating folders is coming soon!

To create a new folder, click “New”, then “New Folder”. You’ll be asked to provide a name for the folder, then click “Add”. New folders will be placed in the current folders.

(image: new folder naming prompt)