Creating Data Sources wouldn’t be too useful if you don’t use them! Let’s explore how we can use your data inside your Spells.

Allowing you to upload files to your Data Sources via spells is on our roadmap. Please let us know if this would be helpful for your use-cases!

Search Workspace Files

Step Reference

Search Workspace Files step in spell editor

If you want to search over all of the files in your Data Sources, this is the step you want to use. This step allows you to enter a search query, and all of your files will be semantically searched for matches. You can specify how many results you want to see, as well as how much of the surrounding context you want to provide.

Search Data Sources File

Step Reference

Get Workspace File step in spell editor

If you want to retrieve the content from a specific file in your Data Sources, this is the step you want to use. This step allows you to select a specific file from any folder, and extracts all text content from it.

This step is most useful if you already know which file you want to retrieve contents from.