You can manage your workspace members in your workspace settings. To get to the settings, click your profile circle in the top left and click “Settings”.

Settings dropdown menu in the dashboard

In your settings page, the sidebar on the left contains your profile settings (that only affect you), and below that you can find the various workspace settings pages.

User Permissions

Before we add our teammates, let’s quickly discuss user permissions. Users within a workspace have a workspace role: either “admin” or “user”.

Admins have all user permissions and can also modify billing info and upgrade/downgrade plans, change workspace settings, change other workspace members’ permissions, and control security options (for Enterprise workspaces).

Users are able to create, edit, and delete their own Spells.

Separately, you can also mark users to receive workspace-wide emails. These emails include subscription/billing updates, Spell run limit warnings (when you’re close to your cap), and any security alerts you’ve configured. Admins receive emails by default, but you can change this setting for any user after you’ve invited them.

Add a Workspace Member

To add a workspace member, go to the Members & Info page.

Workspace members and info page

In the top right, click “Invite User”. You will be prompted to enter their name, email, and permission level.

Workspace invite member modal

Once you click “Invite”, an invitation email will be sent to the user. If they don’t have a Respell account yet, they will be prompted to create one and verify their email before they can accept the workspace invitation.

While the user has not accepted their invitation, their status will be marked as “Invited” and you are able to resend the invitation email from this page.

Bulk Add Workspace Members

If you need to invite several users to your workspace, you can use the bulk invite option. This allows you to upload a CSV of users with their name, email, and role.

In the Members & Info tab, click “Bulk Invite”:

(TODO: image: bulk invite button)

You’ll see the bulk invite modal open, where you can upload your CSV of users. We provide a sample CSV for your reference as well.

(TODO: image: bulk invite modal)

Once you upload your CSV and click “Invite”, the invitations will be sent out to all users in the CSV.

Changing User Roles

You can update a user’s role and/or whether they receive emails by clicking the edit icon next to their name:

Workspace invite member modal

This will open up the edit modal where you can modify these settings and save.

Workspace invite member modal