You can manage and view your workspace’s subscription and usage in the Plans and Billing & Usage pages in your workspace settings.


On the Plans page, you’re able to view the current plan your workspace is on and upgrade/downgrade to other plans. When choosing a plan, you are also able to choose whether you want an annual or a monthly plan. Annual plans come with a 20% discount.

Read more about how our pricing works in the Plans & Pricing guide.

Billing & Usage

The Billing page shows you details about your subscription and (for Enterprise plans) your AI usage over time.

Workspace billing and plans page

At the top, you can manage your billing information and view your invoices by clicking on the provided link. This will navigate you to Stripe, which we use to manage payments.

Below, we show your current subscription and provide links to manage your payment method and navigate to the Plans page.

Enterprise Plan AI Usage

Enterprise plans pay for AI usage at-cost: this means that if you use an AI model, like GPT-4, Respell pays this cost upfront to the provider (OpenAI) and will bill you for this usage at the same rate within 30 days.

(TODO: image: billing page usage section)

The Usage section in the Billing page gives you visibility into your historical and current month AI usage. You can change the date range view or use our preset date ranges to view historical data.