We’re reworking our converters; some of these may be out of date!

Below is a reference for the converters available for each variable type. If you want a new converter, please reach out to us at [email protected] or on our Slack community!


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the email to a text type.[email protected] → ”[email protected]

Phone Number

ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the phone number to a text type.123-456-7890 → ”123-456-7890”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the URL to a text type.https://respell.ai → ”https://respell.ai”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
Absolute ValueIntegerTakes the absolute value of the provided integer.4 → 4
-5 → 5
Reverse SignIntegerReverses the sign of the provided integer.4 → -4
-5 → 5
Absolute Value TextTextTakes the absolute value of the provided integer and converts it to a text type.4 → “4”
-5 → “5”
Reverse Sign TextTextReverses the sign of the provided integer and converts it to a text type.4 → “-4”
-5 → “5”
TextTextConverts the integer to a text type.4 → “4”
-5 → “-5”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
Absolute ValueDecimalTakes the absolute value of the provided decimal.4 → 4
-5 → 5
Reverse SignDecimalReverses the sign of the provided decimal.4 → -4
-5 → 5
RoundDecimalRounds the decimal to the nearest integer.3.14 → 3
3.88 → 4
-3.14 → -3
-3.88 → -4
CeilingDecimalRounds the decimal to the next highest integer.3.14 → 4
3.88 → 4
-3.14 → -3
-3.88 → -3
FloorDecimalRounds the decimal to the next lowest integer.3.14 → 3
3.88 → 3
-3.14 → -4
-3.88 → -4
Absolute Value TextTextTakes the absolute value of the provided decimal and converts it to a text type.4 → ”4”
-5 → ”5”
Reverse Sign TextTextReverses the sign of the provided decimal and converts it to a text type.4 → ”-4”
-5 → ”5”
Round TextTextRounds the decimal to the nearest integer and converts it to a text type.3.14 → ”3”
3.88 → ”4”
-3.14 → ”-3”
-3.88 → ”-4”
Ceiling TextTextRounds the decimal to the next highest integer and converts it to a text type.3.14 → ”4”
3.88 → ”4”
-3.14 → ”-3”
-3.88 → ”-3”
Floor TextTextRounds the decimal to the next lowest integer and converts it to a text type.3.14 → ”3”
3.88 → ”3”
-3.14 → ”-4”
-3.88 → ”-4”
TextTextConverts the decimal to a text type.3.14 → “3.14”
3.88 → ”3.88”
-3.14 → ”-3.14”
-3.88 → ”-3.88”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
OppositeBooleanChanges the boolean to the opposite value.true → false
false → true
Opposite TextTextChanges the boolean to the opposite value and converts it to a text type.true → “false”
false → “true”
TextTextConverts the boolean to a text type.true → “true”
false → “false”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
ISO TextTextConverts the datetime to an ISO format text type.12/28/2024 12:01 → ”2024-28-12T12:01:00.000Z”
TextTextConverts the datetime to a text type.12/28/2024 12:01 → ”12/28/2024 12:01”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
ISO TextTextConverts the date to an ISO format text type.12/28/2024 → ”2024-28-12T00:00:00.000Z”
TextTextConverts the date to a text type.12/28/2024 → “12/28/2024”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
ISO TextTextConverts the time to an ISO format text type.12:01 → ”12:01:00.000Z”
TextTextConverts the time to a text type.12:01 → ”12:01”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
JSONTextConverts the object to a text type in stringified, 2-space indented JSON format.{
  “a”: 12345,
  “b”: “text”,

  “a”: 12345,
  “b”: “text”,
TextTextConverts the object to a text type in YAML format.{
“a”: 12345,
“b”: “text”,

“a: 12345
b: text”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the code to a text type.if (running) {
  console.log(”hello world”);

”if (running) {
  console.log(”hello world”);
The converters below are under construction. Please check back later.


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the time to a text type.12:01 → ”12:01”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the time to a text type.12:01 → ”12:01”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the time to a text type.12:01 → ”12:01”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the time to a text type.12:01 → ”12:01”


ConverterTarget TypeDescriptionExample
TextTextConverts the time to a text type.12:01 → ”12:01”