The Spell editor is where you make magic. It’s quite powerful, but there’s a lot to it! This guide will cover all of the main aspects of the editor and provide some tips to become a spellcasting wizard.

Editor 101

When you enter the editor, you’re confronted with a lot of buttons, panels, and text.

Blank editor interface

In the middle, you see the canvas. This is where you place your steps, connect them together, and visually lay out your Spell.

On the left, you see the steps panel. This is where you can find different steps to use, and drag them into the canvas. It also has a search bar, some templates to browse, and links to resources at the bottom.

In the top left of the page, you’ll see the exit button (back to the Spell page) and the Spell Versions dropdown.

In the top right, you’ll see your Spell settings and buttons to either Test or Publish your Spell. We’ll cover these later.

Now, let’s place down the Start block by clicking the box in the middle:

Editor with options sidebar displayed

Oh no, another panel. But not to worry: this one is probably the most important, and you’ll be an expert soon. This is the Step Sidebar, where you configure steps. This is where you fill out step options, view their outputs, and check to see if they have errors.

Creating Your First Spell

Almost all Spells follow the same process:

  1. Create the Start step and choose whether it’s a Manual or Triggered Spell
  2. Create more steps, connect them together, and fill out the options
  3. When you want to test the Spell, click “Test”, fill it out and run, then see what you want to change
  4. When you’re ready to publish, click “Publish” and follow the steps

Of course, you can take many paths. You might try a template, modify it a bit, then test and publish. Or you may need to rework your Spell a couple of times before it’s ready. Don’t sweat it if you get confused or don’t know what to do next, especially if you haven’t used a workflow editor or set up automations before.

If you get stuck or have questions, you can always click the chat button in the website or email us at [email protected]. We also recommend you join our Slack community - the Respell team is active in there, you can find answers to common questions right away.

Remember, automation is a mindset and a skill to learn.